I slept for the whole day yesterday,felt exhausted. I got no interest in doing anything inculding sleeping. Time flys ,but i still don’t have any resolution to start anything.When i find others so exsited and vigorous,i just cannot figure out why.I have to do list which already accumulated a lot, still cannot impel myself to complete any of those things.
I spent almost three hours searching the internet for this pdf called 《Fiasco:the inside of a Wall Street trader》which is recommeded by Charlie Munger . I googled for the pdf version and alsosearch it on the apps like PDD ,Amazon, DangDang and TaoBao. I asked so many client services of the stores in PDD, and they all only had the Chinese ebook which i barely had interest in. This was a complete waste of time that they both assured me that they had the English version but after i placed the order they told that they found what they got is Chinese. WTF.
My writing only reached primary level…
I conclude that when i need to search for some resources the first and foremost i should list who would have the answer or where have i met with the problem before. In line with this idea, i would get the collection of websites used for downloading free pdf ,also the websites once had been favorited by myself should come out since they might be valuable tools i once had found to navigate to resources.In one word, when confronted with problem related to locating resources ,instead of searching right away, extract information from your memory or brain’s database to pick up the train of thought and then carry out the ideas to test and verify.
My mood cannot be predicted by any signal.I changed as if i forgot what happened before.I just talked with Gao about the future with expectation,but yesterday i still had a gloomy perspective.
I talked a lot and then i ate a substantial lunch and had a break.I felt different from last week for the less i thought about how unpleasant the trivialities were and what a meaningless life i was living for the more relaxed i became.So i thought to myself that maybe i was too stressed and it was no good at all .And it occured to me that the only pressure I’m under is the pressure I’ve put on myself.
I was more focus on the solution of problems rather than how hard to figure it out.The more difficulty i put in the progress of finding the answer the less effort i would to try to stimulate my enthusiasm to be more aggresive and adventurous.
I was awake until the 5am playing around staff i even didn’t care. I genuinely had no will to move forward and everything marched very much depended on my mood. Moods are never predicable even they belongs to yourself.
I made plans and made a list including what i expected myself to accomplish like daily English news reading and writing ,also daily preparations for the entrance exam.
本文链接: https://satyrswang.github.io/2021/07/18/英文/
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